you don't need to give admin option if you are giving user DBA privilege ,DBA is the administrator Also you can combine both statements Creation of user with Grant privilege: create user username identified by password grant DBA to username; Note:Correct me if I am wrong.☺

How to Create MariaDB User and Grant Privileges Mar 18, 2020 user – Manage user accounts — Ansible Documentation Jul 21, 2020 Creating user, database and adding access on PostgreSQL

Apr 29, 2020

Add New User Accounts with SSH Access to an Amazon EC2 Jul 10, 2020 Linux How To: Add A User Account

linux - creating new admin webmin user in shell - Stack

How to Create Users in Linux Using the 'useradd' Command Jul 14, 2020 sudo - How can I create an administrator user from the To create a new user with admin privileges in Ubuntu 12.04 and later: adduser --group sudo In Ubuntu 11.10 and earlier, use this instead: adduser --group admin To modify a existing user (12.04 and later): adduser --group sudo or. sudo usermod -aG sudo How To Create a Sudo User on Ubuntu [Quickstart Mar 28, 2016 How to create a user account on Ubuntu Linux - nixCraft